Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Getting Things in Order

Well, I'm in the Amazon once again.

I got here yesterday...and had to go through a whoooole walkthrough of what life in Jucum is like.
Gotta get up every day at 6.
Breakfast at 7.
Prayer meeting at 7:30.
And then...work.

At the moment, we have to organize suitcases full of medicine as well as clean the house almost every day so things are in order for when the teams start getting here.

I won't be doing a lot of translating...most of the teams speak spanish. But I will be going to communities for weeks at a time to help with the medical brigade, cook, or just be a helping hand whever it's needed.

The day ended around 5:45 pm and I had the chance to take a nap while Monica (my "boss") went to English class.
...I slept for 15 minutes and read for the other 2 hours that I had.

In the time...especially while I was getting ready for bed, I starting thinking about all the things that I had to get in order.
I'm not talking about medicine or beds and bathrooms...I'm talking about things in my heart.
As of late...I've been having this strange feeling...that something was going to happen.
I've yet to figure out if it's good or bad...but I know for a fact that it will stretch me beyond anything I can imagine.

I called my parents to say goodnight and was ready to sleep...and yet, I couldn't. I couldn't fall asleep because of this...feeling.
Then the armor of God popped into my head. I HAD to read it. I HAD to pray. I HAD to seek God to feel okay.

You see, lately, my emotions have been a complete mess. It either has to do with the future, with the present, with my friendships, with my dreams, with absolutely EVERYTHING.
Having that time with God, well, more like NEEDING that time with God showed me how I've been letting my emotions guide me for the past couple of..well..months.

I need God.
Not emotions.
I need His heart to guide me.
Not following my own.
And I need His strength.
Because He's already breaking me.

And you know what?

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