Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Heart Breaking Makes a Sound

Waking up at 7:30 was amazing.
Early, but still a blessing to be able to sleep 2 more hours.

Pastor Jaime got here last night and he asked if I wanted to cook breakfast with him. I gladly accepted.
...That was because I didn't know that it meant that I would be doing the cooking while he went out to buy the bread. Hmm. I enjoyed it, nonetheless.

The clock struck 10 and off we went to Barrio Aguila.
This little barrio isn't exactly a barrio. It's made up of houses on stilts to keep homes from flooding. It has 2 abandoned house where the drugaddicts sleep and get high. As we were walking down the "UNDERCONSTRUCTION" sign on the street, Monica says, "Hmm. I've never seen women at the house before. I wonder how hard she fought to keep them from stabbing her with the needle." My heart started to break.

Once we went down the street, literally down, pavement ends.
Now, we're not talking muddy streets. NO. We're not even talking about a stable bridge. We're talking random pieces of wood nailed to one another which hung over the river. Muddy waters filled with trash, Diana-eating fish, and God knows what else.
This bridge is about 2 kilometers long; constructed by the people that make up the invasion because the government doesn't provide the materials or the workers to construct a more stable bridge. To the government...Barrio Aguila might at else not exist.

There had to be about 40 kids running around, and that's not counting the ones that stayed at home (obviously). I was introduced to the teenagers, whom I will have the priveledge to hang out with in the coming weeks.
When we were about to pray, out of nowhere, this little girls runs up to me and gives me bone crushing hug. I look down and realize that it's a girl that goes to afternoon program in the orphanage I volunteered at last Summer. Man, did I miss that little girl.
(She said to send kisses to all my American friends, meaning, all the people at ECA)

As each day goes by, I realize how blessed I am.
I am blessed because I have all these material things.
And then I see the blessings that can truly change a life: parents that love me unconditionally and support me in all I do (even if that means being away from home for 2 months), friends that love me and stand by me, and a God who knows everything about me, and still sent Jesus to die for me.

God has blessed me with many things, but I'm starting to embrace the biggest blessing of all: JESUS.
And it's this blessing that I've had the honor to share with those around me every day. And my heart breaks when someone rejects a life changing blessing.

The heart breaking makes a sound
I never knew could be
So beautiful and loud

Tomorrow I will be going to Zaragoza with the pastors here. There is an issue that needs to be taken care of regarding the Christian community there.
They need someone who can help looking after the kids while they talk to people.

Pray that their hearts be open.
Pray that their hearts and eyes be opened to the truth.
And pray that their hearts be opened to what God wants to do in them and through them.

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