Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Whisper in the Midst of Chaos

Yesterday morning I asked Monica how you can get to the point of hearing God speak.
She said that there are many ways that the Lord speaks, it might be by using others, dreams, the Word. She also mentioned nature.

Creation proclaims the glory of it's creator

And I realized that by seeking our Creator more, we learn to see creation differently.
We begin to appreciate the small raindrop that hit you in the face.
The sunset marking the end of the day and the sunrise that reminds us that His mercies are new every morning.
You might even appreciate mosquitos...I've yet to get to that point.

You see everything that was created by Him differently...including yourself.
The majesty of creation is a whisper in the midst of the chaos that surrounds is a reminder of HIS majesty and power. A reminder that He is truly Almighty.

I believe that in order to see the beauty that lies beyond the world's lies, our hearts are meant to be changed...meant to be traded for the heart that knew no lies, no hate, and no grudge.
The heart that only knew beauty, love and compassion. The heart that knew that it's burden must be covered by the shadow of the cross.

Father, reveal YOUR heart to me.

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